Saturday, October 15, 2005

i read mabel's blog about her memories of her tatay jaido's bringing her and micmic to the farm; yes, we all have our beautiful memories. mabel's are those of the carabao, the mud, etc ... i have my own: sanikad, climbing the hill and seeing the beautiful view of the pacific ocean. on saturdays, we (the whole family, tatay and nanay, and my siblings) would go to "sanikad"; we had a small hut there. i always waited for the time for us to have our meal. nanay would always prepare the food; sometimes she would cook them in the "dirty kitchen" in the hut. everything was always delicious, especially when there was a little rain outside!!! "bulad" would always taste good with rice!!! and tatay would remind us about the vitamins that vegetables would give. "hala, kaon kamo hit utan, damo it it mga bitamina ....", our good old tatay would say!!!


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